Monday, December 31, 2007

Tiruppur as New District - Reckons its Developments

The below mail was sent to CM cell and Local administration minister on 17th Nov 2006. As Govt announced that Tirupur Municipality would be promoted as Corporation. But, my concern was why not it become a District along with few backward towns around Tiruppur. It seems that there is a plan for it. I am glad to know and also thrilled that my concerns are taken by Govt knowingly or unknowingly..

On Nov 17, 2006 9:59 AM, SenthilKumar N K wrote:

Respected Sir,

I am glad to know that our esteemed government has announced that 'Tiruppur' will be upgraded to Corporation. I would like to pin point that this may be good for Tiruppur. But, you may need to influence the developments of Tiruppur to adjoining towns like Dharapuram which has been in the backward stint for a more than 3 decades. To accomplish this I would suggest the following.

1. Government need to form a new District, head quartered at Tirupur.
This will definitely solve many day-to-day issues of biggest industrial communities not to go to Coimbatore.

2. New Tiruppur District shall have Dharapuram as of its Taluks. I am not here to comment how you could get the share from Erode and Comibatore Districts. But I can think of New Tirupur district is required to have Dharapuram and all its near towns like Kundadam, Mulanur, Kangeyam and Velakoil.

3. Obviously, Permanallur, Vijaymagalam, Avinasi and Palladam will come under Tiruppur.

4. When we have Krishnagiri, Permabalur, Theni like small towns are transformed to District, I think we need to really give a big support to make 'Tiruppur' as a District.

5. As Dharapuram has been under Erode which 80 KM from the HQ and it is not really great for us to have things done there. Even before this, we were with Coimbatore which was the same for us.

6. By having a new district as Tirupur, it grows as you planned for it and it helps to grow the adjacent towns which is more important.

7. So far, Dharapuram it has not been having any great political leaders to take up this matter to you. But I vow to take up to your People's Government to resolve this soon.


Yours faithfully
SenthilKumar N K

Copied To:

1. Local Administration Ministry Secretary under Honorable Minister Mr. M.K. Stalin

2. Planning portfolio Ministry Secretary under Honorable Minister Prof. K. Anbazhagan

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Inclusive of the weekend (Sat) I attended the Scrum training as we are looking for the scrum implementation of all the projects in my BU step by step. As a step one, we are making many folks trained in SCRUM.
Part of it, I attended the training. It is a new phenomenon and most of the companies are searching something to speed up the time to mark and detecting the earlier failure rather than knowing at after spending many months. The same point is much a catchy for the customers too.

As the prototype model, iterative and increment all served some good purpose. However, still there are many projects and its end customers are not happy about the way things are delivered to them as committed.

Scrum claims to remove this as much as possible in a way of saying " Art of Possible" .. It remands highly self-motivated team to do this. Surely, there is shift in the project paradigm as we managed so far..

Let us hope for the best...

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Wanna Become Rich..Some facts from WarrenBuffet

There was a one hour interview on CNBCwith WarrenBuffet, the second richest man who has donated $31 billion to charity and here are some very interesting aspects of his life:

1. He bought his first share at age 11 and he now regrets that he started too late!
2. He bought a small farm at age 14 with savings from delivering newspapers.
3. He still lives in the same small 3-bedroom house in mid-town Omaha, which he bought after he got married 50 years ago. He says that he has everything he needs in that house. His house does not have a wall or a fence.
4. He drives his own car everywhere and does not have a driver or security people around him.
5. He never travels by private jet, although he owns the world’s largest private jet company.
6. His company, Berkshire Hathaway, owns 63 companies. He writes only one letter each year to the CEOs of these companies, giving them goals for the year. He never holds meetings or calls them on a regular basis. He has given his CEO's only two rules. Rule number 1: do not lose any of your share holder's money. Rule number 2: Do not forget rule number 1.
7. He does not socialize with the high society crowd. His past time after he gets home is to make himself some pop corn and watch Television.
8. BillGates, the world's richest man met him for the first time only 5 years ago. BillGates did not think he had anything in common with WarrenBuffet. So he had scheduled his meeting only for half hour. But when Gates met him, the meeting lasted for ten hours and Bill Gates became a devotee of WarrenBuffet.
9. WarrenBuffet does not carry a cell phone, nor has a computer on his desk.

His advice to young people: 'Stay away from credit cards and invest in yourself and Remember:
A. Money doesn't create man but it is the man who created money.
B. Live your life as simple as you are.
C. Don't do what others say, just listen
to them, but do what you feel good.
D. Don't go on brand name; just wear those things in which u feel comfortable.
E. Don't waste your money on unnecessary things; just spend on them who really in need rather.
F. After all it's your life then why give chance to others to rule our life.'

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

What is Beautiful ?

Being beautiful is nothing but how someone keeps his/her mind and health healthy. If you think beauty is coming out external things like dressing, makeup, jewels etc, then it would not last permanently too. Because you need to maintain this beauty with cost of time and money for your sake. Every one is having our own beauty as none is alike others and every one have their own individual beauty which is to be admired and understood. Beauty is more related to mind, love, friendship, relationship etc. How we are caring others is a beauty of life. Even many people are going ahead to safe guard the stray dogs ahead of children's life. !!!!!!

Beauty of life is available in the every moment we live here. How we could visualize the happening is beauty and it is m more important of being beautiful to others by caring them. Whenever, there is rain, everyone enjoys ( if you are under shelter ) but not all could enjoy the beauty as it requires some inclination to enjoy the beauty.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Why I am not Beautiful ?

This is a question which every one might asked yourself ? If someone did not ask or think this question then those may really blessed by GOD with beauty which they believe is with them. It is not a simple question . It is more than a desire to be beautiful and it is an doubting of themselves. When this question comes into every one's mind, it leaves a desperation which could not be shared with others. Given that, every man and woman is more interested to show them beautiful.

If some one comment that you are not beautiful or handsome, then that leaves a sadness forever. Then it leads to the question to themselves “Why I am not beautiful ?” and “How can I become beautiful” ? which ultimately make them to think over and find out ways to become beautiful Thanks to the aggressive marketing of the cosmetic products and shortcut shop (beauty parlors for men and women).!!! After tried out with all tiresome beauty techniques and finally they would end up without the anticipated success. This is not specific to anyone rather common to all.

Whenever, we doubt our selves about the beauty of us, first thing every one seeks a mirror help which might not reflect anything extra. But, we might spend lot of time in front mirror with various posture and angle to see your belongs ! The mirror help is needed for most the people who aged more than just 14 years or so. This is one kind of conversation with ourselves to enjoy ourselves. The we ask many questions Why my mouth is like this ? Why not my lips are like that ? Why my nose is so flat ?? Why not my nose like Late Rajivi Gandhi!! These all questions are not answered by the mirror. And the same time we know that it can not mistake the mirror. either. Shall we take the blow on our parents or your fate? These unanswered questions might not be understood for many people but when your mind matures and then you know the beauty of the life. Let us find out really what is beautiful for every one at all the time !!!!!! in “What is Beautiful”???? Blog...

Friday, June 15, 2007

Presendential candidature 2007!!!

Whole country is witnessing the drama of selecting the Presidential candidature. Many of the people felt that the way the UPA reached the consensus was really bad. I would ask one question since independence "Did anyone have the chance of suggesting the names other than the ruling party?" From Rajaji to SD Sharma, the public was unaware about the whole process because the ruling part would have the majority and its candidate automatically becoming the President the country.

For first time, during NDA ( BJP ruling) they thought to file a candidate who can be widely accepted by all the parties. Do you think BJP was refining of the system from putting their own loyal person as the President ? Never, its a political compulsion as they did not have the clear margin of MLAs, MPs to make their loyal candidate to win. So, they went with Abdul Kalam which was the best and obvious choice available that point of time.

Again, it was a political decision only but it paved the way to find one of the Best President which India ever had! Kalam's candidature was not influenced only by his Wisdom and technical contribution to the nation but he hailed from the Muslim community which was in the minds of the all political parties. However, he never ever showed of the identity to any particular religion or language.This is the most appreciated one from Kalam as First Citizen of the India.

Due to the nature of the chemistry available in the political parties composition, at least we are convinced to accept the UPA candidature as the first Women President of the country. I would not take this as if we are now only giving the opportunity of the women for the Highest position of the country because we accepted Indira as our Prime minister and Sonia as the national leader of this country. Given that nominating the Women candidature is not equal to the political decision of getting Kalam as our President which was done by NDA last time.

But, we have a face saving candidature to get the benefit of the mixed political chemistry which has been prevailing in our country. Having said that Why political parties can come out openly to elect someone who is aware of all the political happening but not attached to any political party and whole country would look up him/her for the wisdom, knowledge and vision .. like More Kalams as our President of the country. The same time, I would like to Kalam to go out to the countries width and breadth to inspire more children as he has been doing. Whole nation has been looking at Kalam for wisdom, knowledge and vision even he becomes former President of India.

May God bless Kalam with many more years to server and inspire our country. And wishing him to witness his Vision of India 2020 by his own EYE...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Your nightmare of identifying the Bangalore City bus routes will be solved here

Do not assume that my appeal is taken up by BMTC but there is a good way of identifying the City Bus routes in Bangalore. The website gives good details with routes nos, search option between two locations, timings etc. This is really useful one.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Appeal to BMTC ( Bangalore Metro Bus Transport )

Dear Sir/Madam,

Since Bangalore is a metro it is unavoidable for other state people to come here for business and work reasons. Given that, those floating population may stay here for a short duration. During that time, commuting in the city buses is really a night mare and they tend to hire a taxi or auto which again in fluxing the traffic to more and it is defeating the cause of having the public transport. What is the hurdle in taking the City bus for a new comer ? Becaue all the BMTC ( expect Route no : 138 and few new buses ) are carrying only Kannada route boards which is really an obstacle to find the correct bus.

Having English route board will some extend solve the any new comer to take up the BMTC and also the bus conductor or driver will be asked in each and every bus stop to inquire the route all the time.

As we run the public transport, we need to attract and make all the passengers to be comfortable in identifying the bus routes other wise having Kannada the route broad alone is defected by itself. You can even ask for the feedback from the conductors and drivers as in a day how many persons are asking them for the route clarity.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

What is happening in Bangalore

I recently moved to Bangalore as my career growth. There are many challenges here which are very toucher than getting one more job for me. You do not get house. Somehow even you are blessed to get a house next thing is schooling. For this even GOD can not help. KG admission is going very crazy and all political parties and public are talking about the professional admission which is not a big issue as plethora of private college are already there. But if you could not find a school for your kid how would he/she will be eligible for professional course after 10-12 years ?

Without a the capitation fee you can not get the admission for KG in any schools. One of the school run by real estate guys opening put in their web site that each KG admission is required to pay 50K ( Fifty Thousands Rupees !!!??? ) non-refundable fee and their anual fees comes around 30K.

The kids in the KG maximum spends 3hrs in a day in the school. I do not find any logic in taking these huge money..

But,there is no solution other than paying it !!!! Thats the reality...